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Terms and Conditions



1.0 Payment


1.1 Bookings are not confirmed until a 25% deposit has been received with full payment due 30 days before the start of your course start date.


1.2 1.2 We strongly recommend that you take out personal insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances that prevent you from attending the course, such as extreme weather, road closures, health issues, etc.


1.3 We will endeavor to provide your course but if we need to cancel on the grounds of safety due to weather, we will offer you an alternative course/dates or we will refund your course fee of 100%.


1.4 Any cancellation must be notified in writing by the person who made the booking. If you cancel your course/trip our terms are below.

more than 8 weeks prior to the start of your course/trip, you will only be charged your deposit of 25%

4-8 weeks you will receive 50% of the total cost of your course.

2-4 weeks you will receive 25% of the total cost of your course.

0-2 weeks you will receive 0% of the total cost of your course.


2.0 Participation


2.1 All of our guides, instructors & coaches have been trained and assessed to highest standards of the National Governing Bodies in the UK. They are fully qualified within the remit of the awards of which they hold. We take every precaution to assess, evaluate & manage the risk in the environment we take you, but participants are reminded that although all the risks we assess and manage there is always still risk involved to the participant of injury or death.


2.2 It is reminded that your guide has a duty of care while under supervision on your course and he/she will advise you of what to do. If you choose not to listen to the advice of your instructor then the duty of care has been revoked and your actions and any consequences to you or others around you will be your own actions.

2.3 It is reminded that the person who books and reads these terms and conditions has the responsibility to inform the remaining participants of the nature of the activity they are due to undertake and to inform Scottish Rock & Water of any relevant medicals which might have an impact of the safety of one or any of the participants during your course. Your instructor/guide/coach will also check this prior to starting your trip/course.


3.0 Fitness/Medical


3.1 It is reminded that all of our courses require at least a reasonable level of fitness and some courses require a high level of fitness, it is the responsibility of the participants to make sure they are fit enough to take part on the booked course. If it’s unclear of the fitness required please get in touch.


3.2 It is imperative if you have any medical issues that might affect your performance during your course that your instructor knows about this, also if you have medication and where you keep it while on activity.


4.0 Insurance


4.1 SRW hold civil liability insurance through Perkins and Slade, all of our associate members whether that be of our core team or associate member that may work for us will have their own insurance to cover any work they do at SRW.



If you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


We look forward to meeting you,

The Scottish Rock & Water Team

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